Image page Why join Bienvenue ?

Why join Bienvenue ?

Since its creation in 2018, the Bienvenue networkhas expanded steadily.

We are constantly seeking both geographical expansion and the strengthening of our partnerships.

Why join Bienvenue ?

As a member, you will have access to :


Business opportunities


Opportunities to learn and exchange information with other Industry professionals


Business intelligence


Ease of communicating on the global presence (as a selling point)


Ability to sell outbound services


Opportunity to be introduced to an existing customer account


Develop a complementary service offer

Selection criteria  

Selection criteria
Vous souhaitez nous rejoindre ?
Are you interested in joining us?
Submit your application here below
Contact us to submit an application
Agility, Responsiveness, Customer service quality, Professionalism, Rigour
Agility, Responsiveness, Customer service quality, Professionalism, Rigour